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Millo по образованию архитектор, но использует стены строений по всему миру как страницы книги абстрактных и иногда ироничных сказок

О художнике

“Italian artist Francesco Camillo Giorgino, known as Millo, paints large-scale murals that feature friendly inhabitants exploring their urban setting. He uses simple black and white lines with dashes of color when necessary, and often incorporates elements of architecture into his multi-story paintings.” C. Jobson, Colossal.

He took part to several street art festival and NGO art event all around world. He has been painting in USA, Russia, China, Australia, Thailand, Argentina, Chile, Morocco, Spain, Portugal, Uk, Netherland, Poland, Lithuania, Belarus, Ucraine and of course Italy.

His works have been exhibited in Los Angeles, Chicago, Berlin, London, Amsterdam, Milan, Rome, Florence and more.

In 2014 he won the B.Art competition that enabled him to paint 13 multi-story murals in the city of Turin (IT).

“Sometimes coyly surreal, other times borderline terrifying” K. Brooks, Huffington Post

Реализованные проекты

Перечень работ, реализованных художником в Беларуси

Паўсюль я крочу

Октябрь, 2015 год

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